Welcome to Tiny Footprints Academy!

Tiny Footprints Academy was founded by Tiffany Gray, furthermore she invited her sister to participate.

Both have children of their own with learning abilities that ranged from being “gifted” to “autism” and everything in between. Low self-confidence, anger etc. They realized most early childhood learning centers missed the mark on developing the whole child. They was also concerned that their children’s unique nature will be lost or dulled down based on what they witnessed in other child services location.

Naturally, Felicia and Tiffany took matters in their own hand. They realized how beneficial it was to raise their own children with a foundation deeply rooted in innovative academics, wellness, and mindfulness lessons specific to their needs and uniqueness. The inclusion of meditation, breathing work, mind and body exercises dramatically changed their children lives for the better. They particularly noticed that creating a nurturing environment built upon unconditional love fostered the safe environment that allowed their young minds to thrive while maintaining their individuality.

It was not long before they decided that this revelation is something that needed to be shared with other children. Felicia, a Master Teacher, Spiritual Life Coach, & Healer has spent over 5 years working with families, adults, and children, helping them develop themselves and evolve into the amazing beings they are.

At Tiny Footprints Academy we recognize that school is the foundation of early development. Children require a safe space to develop their first impressions in life, outside their home. With that in mind our focus is on the whole child, developing them mentally, physically, emotionally, and spiritually; allowing them to grow into the amazing souls they are. 

Our Mission Statement Provide an unconditionally loving and enlightened environment positively impacting children, families and staff, and creating unmatched academically innovative programs that acknowledges every child as unique as their own individual footprint. 

Our Vision: Developing, inspiring, and bringing awareness to every childs’ whole and unique self, giving them permission to leave lasting impressions on the earth.