1. Trust

Children need to feel that the universe smiles on them. Einstein said that the most important decision each person makes is deciding whether or not this is a friendly universe.

People who feel safe in the world are more emotionally and physically healthy, as well as more willing to reach out to others, which increases happiness (and helpfulness). Of course we teach your children how to keep themselves safe, but the knowledge that some people are not to be trusted should not keep them from trusting people in general.

All books and children shows will further enforce trust as we encourage parents to continue this in own homes. Young children should not be exposed to TV news, which has been proven to make anyone who watches it feel less safe and more likely to over-estimate the chances of threatening occurrences.

Einstein was probably recommending a deeper level of trust as well, one that we teach our children daily. Through constant positive reinforcement, they learn that life has meaning and that the good we do in the world matters. 

2. Empowerment

There is always something each one of us can do to make things better.

When children encounter tragedy or  negativity and feel powerless to help, it can negatively affect them in their teen and adult life. However, when they feel empowered to make a difference, they grow strong in their own inner compass about what’s right, and are more likely to stand up for that. Life is full of opportunities to help children feel empowered rather than despairing.

Children are very inquisitive, whether they are asking a million questions, exploring without end or trying to navigate through an unhappy squabble with another child, they are trying to integrate all this info into their world view. At Tiny footprints we understand that the million questions is simply them asking for help in doing this. Providers are here to patiently address all their questions and guide them through challenging childhood moments. Communication with our children is very important. It  helps children understand that things happen for a reason, even if we can’t quite figure out why. However, it’s in these times that we allow children to see their opportunities to make things better. 

3. Love of Nature.

People who feel connected to nature are healthier physically and emotionally. Some may even say that the natural wonder and magic children find in nature is the beginning of spirituality. Children are naturally drawn to nature and we will continue to enforce its beauty. A spiderweb glistening with dew, the rising moon, a waterfall, even a simple green shoot breaking through the earth reminds us of the miracle that is life, and the miracle of their own life.

As Rachel Carson said,

“Those who contemplate the beauty of the earth find reserves of strength that will endure as long as life lasts.”

Tiny Footprints

4. Gratitude.

Regularly experiencing gratitude makes us  happier. When children are struggling emotionally, gratitude heals. Of course, children rarely understand their many blessings, and guilt is not an effective teacher. At Tiny Footprints modeling is the best strategy. We constantly show gratitude in all things we do say and do.

“Gratitude unlocks the fullness of life. It turns what we have into enough, and more. It turns denial into acceptance, chaos to order, confusion to clarity. It can turn a meal into a feast, a house into a home, a stranger into a friend. Gratitude makes sense of our past, brings peace for today, and creates a vision for tomorrow.”

-Melody Beattie

5. Mindful Meditation

Meditation, yoga, breathing and other mindfulness methods give children a moment of reflection. Whether we choose to call it meditation or not, mindful kids equal peaceful schools. With so much stimulation and at times over stimulation. Children’s young brains have quite a lot to process and sift through. At times it becomes too much. It may surface as anger or tiny temper tantrums, anxiety or even sadness to name a few. At Tiny footprints mindful meditation allows children to learn a new method to reduce anxiety, conflict and attention disorders. It shapes their coping mechanism not just for now but will be beneficial long term.

Beyond all the scientific statistics to support how highly beneficial Mindful Meditation is, owners Felicia and Tiffany have seen first-hand with their own children how transformational it can be and why it is part of the PEP Program

Here are some of the benefits of regular yoga practice for our children:

  1.  will see improvement ranging from health and well-being to academic performance.